[webmasters] SMTP Mail Relay being closed

BigBiz Internet Services (info@bigbiz.com)
Sat, 15 May 1999 14:19:49 -0700

In order to stop proliferation of SPAM Email we will be turning off our
Email Relaying option for our SMTP ports.  This will only affect users
that are sending email through our systems by setting up their SMTP 
servername as mail.yourdomain.com in their email programs (netscape mail,
outlook, eudora, etc...).

This will *NOT* affect email being sent from 
  - cgi scripts
  - Frontpage mail bots.
  - email forwarding
  - aliasing
  - auto-responders,
  - users using ExpressMail to read email
  - Majordomo mailing lists hosted on our servers

This also does *NOT* affect any mail you receive.

If you use a email client, please check the configuration for SMTP
outgoing server and set it to what your ISP recommends, do not set it
to your webserver.  We have been recommending using your own ISP for
quite some time now.

We expect to turn on the new config in a week.  The reason for this
change is to thwart clever bulk email programs from relaying their
mail through our servers.  This will also help keep our IP addresses
out of the internet "black" lists; these lists are being used more and 
more by ISPs to block access to/from mis-configured systems.  This will
help keep your web sites accessable.

If you have any questions please email info@bigbiz.com or support@bigbiz.com.
We expect this change to have no impact to most users.